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Meet Our Team

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Financial planning is personal, and our professionals work as a cohesive team, guiding clients through life with individual attention and care. We’re passionate about what we do, and we’re committed to providing exemplary service for each of our clients. Whether you’re concerned for your own financial needs, your family’s, or your business’s, our multigenerational practice is prepared to support your success for years to come.

Gary W Taylor CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP®

Founder and Private Wealth Advisor

Michael T Joyce CFP®, RICP®, AEP®, CLU®, ChSNC®

Partner and Private Wealth Advisor

Tripp Duerson CFP®, RICP®, CLTC®

Partner and Private Wealth Advisor

Kari Taylor Baldys

Director of Investment Operations

Jessica L Barnett

Director of Insurance Operations

Tracy Betsworth

Chief Operating Officer

Ian Caskill

Director of Strategic Development

Caroline Fitzpatrick

Portfolio Manager

Colin Pan

Financial Planning Analyst

Jackson Selby QPFC

Financial Planning Analyst

Carrie Smith

Office Coordinator

Courtney L Wideman

Marketing and Client Service Associate

Nick Wright

Associate Private Wealth Advisor